Choosing or finding the right free web hosting provider is definitely not a simple and easy thing to do. Surely it’s easy to find a free web hosting company on the net, but to actually find a free yet a reliable and good host is another story.
Choosing a good free host is usually a hit or a miss and can be frustrating at times. Searching for reviews on a host might help you to know which company is good, but not always. There are many existing review web sites where mainly posting positive reviews about few hosting companies where they affiliate and earn money based on commissions. Some other smart hosting companies created their own web hosting reviews web site and promote them self from there.
So, when you’re looking for free web host providers, you might want to check what features they offer first before even trying to think of anything else. See if what they provide fits your needs.
Make sure they at least have these features:
– Offers free Control Panel
– More than 100Mb disk space
– More than 1Gb bandwidth
– At least 1 FTP account
– Allows to host your own domain
Some good free hosts may also offer:
– cPanel Control Panel or DirectAdmin Control Panel
– MySQL Databases, PHP, CGI
– Email Accounts
– Allows to put up your own ads
– Automatic software installer (Install a blog in minutes!)
– Community Forum (To discuss your website)
There are many free hosts around that might have a good and tempting offer and might have the requirements that you need. But the next question is, are they true to their word. Are they able to provide reliable uptime for your site?
My own experience
I previously hosted my site with freeola and kvchosting. I found both of them were fine at first. But just after a few days or so. I occasionally had downtime issues with my site which is really frustrating most of the time. I thought, maybe that’s what I get for availing something free. When I was about to consider on looking for a cheap hosting, at least something paid, a friend of mine suggested Doteasy and recommended me to try it out.
I was still a bit hesitant at first, but eventually decided to move to Doteasy. So far I’ve been hosted with them for about 3 months now and surprised that I haven’t experienced any downtime with my site yet. Until now, my site is always up and running with no issues which really impresses me knowing its free hosting. Another thing I like about them is that they don’t show any ads on my site. This could be a minor thing to consider for some. But this is a major issue for me, since I had already experience of having a host that totally fills my site with annoying banner ads. Even my visitors get annoyed with it sometimes. And lastly, their technical support is also great. They are very helpful and I always get polite responses. Hopefully, things would keep up this way and I’ll surely be staying for good.