Finally, FTP Hosting That’s Simple And Fast!

There is nothing safer than File Transfer Protocol (FTP) hosting services to exchange files on the World Wide Web. Compared to Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP), people found FTP as an efficient communication protocol for exchanging digital data. If you are looking for fast and simple hosting service that can maintain the privacy then go for FTP. Though it is true that HTTP is a widely used communication protocol to share files but has some drawbacks. HTTP gives no guarantee about the privacy of the information that you are sharing with someone else over the Internet. Moreover, types and size of the digital file matters for exchanging information through Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.

FTP hosting service comes with all the features, which simplify the process of sharing information online by keeping the privacy of the content. Not only for sending files or messages, you can use FTP hosting services for several purposes like – online auction, business communication, downloading graphic and/or multimedia files, downloading software, etc. FTP hosting service supports uploading/downloading all types of files (e.g., text files, image files, audio files, video files, multimedia files etc.) irrespective of their size.

To enjoy the fast and reliable communication protocol you have to register for a FTP hosting service. FTP hosting service comes with wide array of features and two basic components – FTP Server and FTP Client. FTP hosting service transfers digital information from one node (computer) to another through the FTP server. FTP service provider will allocate space for you in their server and allow you to create FTP account for the users to communicate. Files are uploaded and stored in the server. FTP account holders, who are authorized to access the allocated site, can download copies of the files, which are uploaded. This is considered as a convenient and safe way for exchanging digital information by protecting unwanted third party from accessing the content.

Easy to configure

Initially you have to configure an FTP Client to upload and download digital files from a registered FTP hosting account. FTP hosting service provider will allocate required space in the FTP server with a domain name. It is recommended to apply for FTP hosting service with a domain name that is similar to the web address of your business. The configuration of FTP Client is as simple as creating an Email account. You have to set FTP Client under the registered FTP site. You have to define a unique username and password. For example, is a host and [email protected] is the username through which a registered FTP account holder can upload and download digital files.

Managing sites through Control Panel

FTP hosting service comes with the feature of Control Panel. As you register for an FTP Site, the service provider will supply you a unique username and password to administer the allocated space. You can administer your own FTP Site through the Control Panel. The design of the control panel is quite user friendly and allow you to perform following tasks:

  • Add or remove FTP user for your domain
  • Change the password of FTP user account
  • Integrate users in groups to share information
  • Allocate disk space for FTP users of your domain
  • Manage directory and the service period for the FTP users of your site.

Cost of FTP Hosting Services

The market has become competitive and you can easily find a suitable FTP hosting service at an affordable price. Though the price of FTP Service varies from one service provider to another but the price of FTP hosting service depends upon the service period and facilities applied by the customer.

Therefore it can be said that the cost of FTP hosting services and FTP Software are quite inexpensive and suitable for all types of business processes. Moreover you can easily manage your FTP site with little knowledge on FTP Software and related technical issues.

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