What is the Difference Between Coal and Solar Energy?

Solar vs. Coal – Green Think Energy

Using coal for energy and power has been the most popular way that Americans are using it for their homes and commercial places. Coal has been around for a long time and as it is considered cheap and abundant. Although, many of the issues of using coal have been forgotten due to its availability and low price. 

However, using solar energy as an alternative form of energy is renewable and better for the environment. The difference between coal and solar energy is that once the supply of coal runs out, the sun is always there to be harnessed to be used as energy to power homes and businesses in the long run.

Solar energy is sustainable and a cleaner form of energy. Due to technological advancements, solar energy is now more affordable than ever with more and more solar energy providers popping up as more and more people are seeing the wonderful benefits of solar energy and making the switch to go solar power. 

What is the Difference Between Solar Energy and Fossil Fuels?

There are a lot of differences between renewable energy and fossil fuels. First, renewable energy such as solar energy will never run out, as long as the sun will shine, energy will be harnessed to power homes and other commercial businesses. While fossil fuels will eventually run out and see its end in the next 50-60 years, give or take. 

However, fossil fuels are easier to store and can reach far more people, that is why it its more prevalent. Solar energy can only run and be fully optimized in sunny places and places that receive sunshines most of the year. 

However, in terms of clean energy, solar energy is more environmentally friendly . If we want humanity to live sustainably in the future, solar energy is the way to go without contributing to pollution. 

What are the Advantages of Solar Power over Coal?

  1. Cost

Solar energy has a higher upfront cost, from buying the solar panels, or any solar 

powered gizmos to use to power the home such as solar power batteries and the added 

cost of installation by a trusted and reliable solar power provider.  

Is solar energy cheaper than coal? In 2020, the International Energy Agency or the IEA 

stated in a new report that solar  energy is now the cheapest form of electricity for utility

companies to make. 

This means  that as the cost gets lower, more and more people will  find it easier to have 

access to using solar energy as solar energy companies can provide better financing  

options to consumers. 

If you want to use solar energy and not the traditional way of powering your home, there 

is a great  solar energy power company in Shreveport that will be accommodating to any   

of your questions and concerns about moving to switch to solar energy.

  1. Eco-friendly

Using coal energy takes up a lot, from underground mining to contributing to the air pollutants by producing carbon dioxide. While solar power only uses the sun to generate energy.

 Solar power is clean and more friendly for the environment, as it does not harm any air, plants and animals. Using solar energy is more sustainable as it is renewable and cheaper to generate. 

  1. Efficiency

Using solar panels can see consumers have an efficiency of 15% to 20% whereas using fossil fuels can have more, up to 40% in efficiency, but solar power is still slowly becoming accessible to become part of every household than traditional forms of energy and the technology behind solar power can still evolve to let solar power become more efficient.

To get the most out of your solar panels, when installing the panels, also have solar batteries installed or a solar concentrator. Using solar energy is more efficient in the long term if you think about the savings you will get in your monthly energy bills.

  1. Government incentives

If you choose to switch to using solar energy rather than fossil fuel such as coal you can receive government incentives just by doing so. Government incentives  can come in the form of grants from the government or in tax rebates. 

Do your research and check what kind of incentives are available in your state or local area as they can differ from state to state.